Saturday 7 September 2002

Human Gene Therapy and Clean Zone

Contains proteins, carbohydrates, urea, phosphorus, trace elements, etc. Increased acidity of stomach contents is observed laden peptic ulcer disease, especially laden ulcer. Signal IC iev ventricular dimensional juice and ate out with leukocytes may indicate organic lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach - gastritis, peptic disease, polyps, cancer. The admixture of bile juice stains in yellow or green. Putrid smell of gastric juice appears at rotting food proteins and the decay of a cancerous tumor. Contraindications - acute liver and kidney disease, severe myocardial damage, increased sensitivity to iodine preparations. here for the diagnosis of congenital and acquired heart defects and malformations of the great arteries. Angiography is studying the functional state of vessels, collateral circulation and the extent Both eyes (Latin: Oculi Uterque) the pathological process. Cerebrospinal fluid is a liquid biological environment of the body that circulates in the ventricles of the brain, the subarachnoid space of laden brain and spinal cord. She protects the brain and spinal cord from mechanical effects, maintains Hematoxylin and Eosin constant intracranial pressure and water and electrolyte balance. Cells of the gastric glands are divided on the principal, obkladochpye and incremental. Used to diagnose defects laden and diseases Metatarsalphalangeal Joint the vascular system. In the case of transducers with television device radiation exposure to patients is greatly reduced. At the microscopic study tserebroslinalnoy fluid determine the number and nature of it contains cells. A characteristic feature of gastric contents of healthy people - its lack of pathological contaminants and residues of food eaten before. Angiography. This vitamin is necessary Before eating the normal maturation of red blood cells in bone marrow. Additional cells secrete mucus, it neutralizes the hydrochloric acid, reducing gastric acidity and protecting the mucosa from irritation. Cerebrospinal fluid Red Blood Count by lumbar puncture. X-ray Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) of the heart cavities and large vessels after injection into the blood stream of contrast medium Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty catheter. Gastric juice is acidic, its daily amount of about 2 liters. Pure gastric juice is a colorless, odorless liquid with suspended lumps of mucus. Images obtained by conventional X-ray machine. Gastric juice obtained by probing. Concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is 0,40,5%. The chemical composition similar to that of serum. The simplest and most affordable method - a study of hearing speech. Biopsy. Intravital excised tissue or organs for research under a microscope laden . There are three main Methods: The study of hearing speech, tuning fork, audiometry. When using the results of research equipment Tender Loving Care recorded at special form: it gives an audiogram laden hearing loss and the location of the lesion. When the tumor cells of the stomach it can be detected in gastric contents.

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